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Serology in SARS-CoV-2 vaccination vs infection


# If using a custom conda environment, create and activate it:
conda create -n serology-env python=3.7.10
conda activate serology-env

# Install requirements
pip install --upgrade pip wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Install local package
pip install -e .

# Install pre-commit
pre-commit install

# Run tests
make test

# Run lint
make lint

# Register this conda environment's Jupyter notebook kernel in base environment Jupyter:
ipython kernel install --user --name py37-serology-env

# Install fonts as TTF files to this directory:
python -c "import matplotlib; from pathlib import Path; print( (Path(matplotlib.matplotlib_fname()) / '../fonts/ttf').resolve() )"

# Rebuild font manager cache:
python -c "import matplotlib.font_manager; matplotlib.font_manager._rebuild()"

Review configuration.


Extract serology measurements from raw data sheets, then plot:

# reset outputs
rm -r data/generated
rm -r out
mkdir -p data/generated
mkdir -p out

# run notebooks
./ \
    notebooks/load_data.infection_cohort1.ipynb \
    notebooks/load_data.pfizer_original.coronavirus_plate.ipynb \
    notebooks/load_data.pfizer_full_data.coronavirus_plate.ipynb \
    notebooks/load_data.pfizer_full_data.variant_plate.ipynb \
    notebooks/load_data.mongolia_vaccines.ipynb \
    notebooks/load_data.variant_infections.ipynb \
    notebooks/load_data.infection_cohort2.coronavirus_plate.ipynb \
    notebooks/load_data.infection_cohort2.variant_plate.ipynb \
    notebooks/load_data.concatenate.ipynb \
    notebooks/load_data.concatenate_coronavirus_plate_only.ipynb \
    notebooks/plot.ipynb \

Review summary.ipynb.


This is based on the datascience-cookiecutter-starter template. covid_serology/ is a library imported by the notebooks in notebooks/ (mirrored to notebooks_src/).

Jupytext mirroring

Using jupytext, every .ipynb notebook in notebooks/ has a paired .py script in notebooks_src/. This makes diffs much cleaner (nbdiff/nbdime is too slow and finnicky to be practical) and allows for bulk refactoring.

When you edit and save the .ipynb notebook in Jupyter Lab, Jupytext updates the .py paired script automatically. And when you edit the .py script in a text editor, reloading the paired .ipynb notebook in Jupyter Lab will sync the updates to the notebook.

Sometimes we fall back to the command line to sync these notebook/script pairs: after editing either element of the pair, you can git add it to the git staging area and then make lint-staged to run jupytext-sync (and other pre-commit hooks) on all staged files. We tend to do this after bulk refactors of .py scripts (make lint-staged will update the paired notebooks without having to open each one in Jupyter Lab) or after auto-generating notebooks from other template notebooks with (make lint-staged will then generate or update the paired script.)

Common commands

# lint all files
make lint
# or lint staged files only - most frequently used
make lint-staged
# or lint files that have changed since upstream only
make lint-diff

# run all tests
make test

# recreate all jupytext generated scripts
make regen-jupytext